Could there be a change of heart?

Ed, The Greater Maclean Community Action Group invites everyone in our communities (and visitors) to our…

Independent is important

Ed, I have just finished reading the latest edition of Clarence Valley Independent and I am…

Surprise, surprise

Ed, So many great letters in last week’s Independent (CVI 9/9/15) from all over the Clarence…

Some kind of tactic?

Ed, It’s not long ago that Clarence Valley Council (CVC) placed their proposed 2015/16 General Fund…

Slow down

Ed, To the person who hit and killed a small wallaby on Sunday night September 6…


Ed, What CVC needs before an 8% rate rise or the possible alleviation of 24 discretionary…

Never seen such crap

Ed, Can someone tell me what these experts are on? I have fished the Clarence and…

Callous driver

Ed, Who is the callous person who has hit a large kangaroo on Angourie Rd on…

Extra impost

Ed, Our rate rise of 8% per year in five years time will be costing the…


Ed, So CVC wants to slug its ratepayers with 8% increase in rates for 5 years…

Don’t we matter?

Ed, I get very despondent when community concerns are written off by members of Council, particularly…

Helpful highway hippies

Ed, Many thanks for the Independents front-page coverage of the good news story of Ethan and…

Maclean Hospital entrance

Ed, It has been another harrowing time with my goal to improve the entrance to Maclean…

Council proposed rates increases

Ed, I attach the email I have received from IPART which confirms that local people can…

Our assets are in their hands!

Ed, In almost 40 years as a professional asset manager, it never fails to amaze me…

Doing the hard sell to residents

Ed, Sadly you don’t need a crystal ball to realize, over 90% of resident’s are going…

Stop this nonsense

At the public meeting last Wednesday 24th we were given background information “Building a Road To…

Wonderful volunteers

Ed, Providing a much needed service dependent upon community funding, the Clarence Valley Palliative Care Volunteer…

Council has given us an opportunity

Ed, It is of real concern to find all three letters in last week’s Clarence Valley…