The Wedding that Rocked the World

Never before and never since has a simple wedding caused such dire threats of breaking international…

The failure of African Sovereignty

When I worked as a journalist in South Africa 70 years ago, Apartheid was starting to…

Bin Laden and Gaddafi in Africa

When I worked in Africa as a foreign correspondent and journalist, I never suspected that the…

Cairo Radio – Part 2

In the first part of this article on Cairo Radio’s clandestine –and internationally hunted — “down…

They Spied With Their ‘Red’ Eyes

The Australian Government recently revealed it had caught  three Communist Chinese spies red-handed and had summarily…

Cairo Radio – Part 1

As a foreign correspondent and journalist, one is continually called on to don the mantle of a…

The Re-Wiring Of Our Minds

Tamsen’s Territory – by Oscar Tamsen As we know only too well, big changes are currently…

They Spied with their ‘Red’ Eyes

Of Cabbages & Kings by Oscar Tamsen The Australian Government recently revealed it had caught three…

Tamsen’s Territory – The U.N. and its New World Order 

by Oscar Tamsen The United Nations is quietly encouraging a policy of making all countries adopt…

Words Were His Sword

Of Cabbages and Kings by Oscar Tamsen There is an old adage in the newspaper world…

A World Leader’s Last Wave and Legacy

One hot September day in Africa in the 1960s was the lucky day I and others…

Comment by Oscar Tamsen

We consumers throughout Australia are currently being swamped by multiple discussions over our current serious inflation…

From Africa with Haste

by Oscar Tamsen Modern humanity’s ancestors were reduced to a breeding population of only about 1,300…

Strengthening Our Community

by Oscar Tamsen Since the height of the national Covid Pandemic lock-down three years ago, the…

History Does Repeat Itself!

Our globe is currently under big pressure from all angles and the current restive U.S. –…

African Tribal Life in the Raw

Peacocks do it, bees and wasps do it — and many tribes in Africa do it…

The In’s and Out’s of Inflation 

Comment by Oscar Tamsen With the word “inflation” being on everybody’s lips these days and ravaging…

A Creature from the Grave

During one Christmas holiday period in the 1950s I received an urgent telegram suggesting I should…

The Grandfather Who Helped a Queen

Part 2 Continuing the story of a Yamba man’s grandfather who saw serious service as a…