Bar Report

Weekend Weather

Marine Rescue Iluka Yamba

Weather and Bar Report for the Clarence River


Greetings from the Marine Rescue Radio Base at Iluka with your weekend weather and bar report for the Clarence River

Date: 27/07/2024

Report Compiled at (Time): 0600

By: John B

Wind Direction: WNW

Wind Speed in knots:   5-6  Kts

Current Temperature:   14  °C

Barometric Pressure: 1021 and steady

Cloud Cover:   15 %

Humidity:       89 %

Max. Wind Speed and wind direction overnight: NNW 8-15 Kts

Next High Tide is at:           1314                       Height:  1.34 m

Next Low Tide is at:            0658                       Height:  0.34 m

Clarence River Bar Conditions / General Conditions: Northeasterly swell, with up to one metre lift and no white water across the bar. USUAL CAUTION



For any further information contact the base on 66466311

Marine Rescue Iluka Yamba