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Former council GM’s payout revealed (sort of)
In the March 15 edition of the Independent, in the story, GM resigns from CVC, it was reported that the former Clarence Valley Council’s (CVC) general manager, Scott Greensill, had not received any “further payment … beyond March 10”, his last day of employment.
While this could be interpreted as being semantically correct, it was revealed at last week’s council meeting that Mr Greensill had received a significant payment at the end of his tenure with CVC.
The mayor, Jim Simmons, tabled a mayoral minute as a late item not included in the meeting’s agenda – however, it is published in the meeting’s minutes.
Councillor Simmons’ minute acknowledged that the logistics of the former GM’s departure had been published on the council’s website – as the public record for the March 3 extraordinary meeting that discussed Mr Greensill’s final days.
Point 2 of the councillors’ resolution stated that “the confidential advice regarding the General Manager’s resignation provided by Local Government NSW”, was noted.
After reading the confidential document distributed to councillors, two councillors asked questions that provided some insight into what the former GM received following his resignation – a transcript is below.
Jim Simmons: I ask councillors to respectfully understand that those items in the confidential attachment are to be kept confidential. Are there any questions?
Karen Toms: In regard to the budget/financial information … considering it’s ratepayers’ money that was also paid out to the general manager; is there any reason why that amount cannot be disclosed to our community?
JS: My understanding, and I stand to be corrected by the acting GM, is that information is part of the confidential information that councillors voted on and accepted unanimously at the extraordinary [March 3] meeting. So I don’t propose to make it public at this stage.
KT: Can I ask a question? I’ll be very careful. Is that amount at point 1 what was paid? That’s his total remuneration package that he used to be on; that’s what it said. That’s what it says, his total remuneration package, TRP.
JS: The amount that was paid is in item 5 … sorry item 4, clause 5.
Andrew Baker: Is it a matter of calculation to extract the information provided in item 4 based on the amount shown in item 1?
JS: I’m advised here that is correct [by acting GM Ashley Lindsay], but just remind councillors that it is confidential information.
AB: Thankyou Mr Mayor, that seems to be the way it is written.
KT: But his TRP is not confidential is it? It’s in the annual report published every year.
JS: I believe that is so.
Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the mayoral minute.