Maclean Hospital entrance
It has been another harrowing time with my goal to improve the entrance to Maclean Hospital.
The goal is to have a road constructed from Central Avenue sporting field (which is owned by the NAHS) and up to the hospital.
The reason being that I have photos of large trucks delivering gas to the hospital where they have to enter Woodford St, opposite the hospital and reverse across Union St through the lower car park to the rear of the car park to unload its cargo.
This is of concern especially if there is a vehicle coming down Union St faster than the speed limit and not having anywhere to go except into the gas truck. This is because the road outside the hospital is only 6 metres wide and what a catastrophe that would cause if this occurred!
Another point is that delivery trucks again have to back in to the upper area of the hospital adjacent to the main entrance which could be of concern if there is a small child on the loose running out of the hospital or from the stairs across the area to the entrance.
The stairs are another issue for older people where some have to go down backwards to reach their cars and they are very steep to climb for those with ageing issues.
Therefore, I have, with the help of others designed a plan to put this road through to the hospital and build a ramp to the entrance so that all large vehicles can enter via this way and exit via Union St safely.
It would also be ideal for those mentioned earlier, who have issues with stairs so that their cars, can drive up there and drop off the passengers at the ramp to enter the hospital and the driver can find a park at the lower area.
We will be looking towards a large increase in population in the next few years owing to the building of the highway in this area. It does look to be around 5,000 plus people and not all of them will reside in the Grafton area.
The problem is funding. In May, the Northern Area Health Board decided this was not a priority and their funds go towards the interior of the hospital therefore do not wish to put funding towards it.
I am again applying to this board for them to change their thoughts on the priority of this goal so that I can then get 10,000 signatures to apply to the government as I did for the Yamba Community Centre.
Jim Agnew OAM, Yamba