From the Newsroom

Glad Smith could be the first person to paddle a kayak inside the Brushgrove Hall. Image: Glad Smith

Flood dampens hall, but not community spirit

Geoff Helisma


There is much anecdotal evidence floating around (pun intended) that locations from Ulmarra to Yamba have experienced higher than usual flood events, despite the Grafton flood level peaking about 200mmm lower than the 2013 record flood height.

Brushgrove is one village where people hold that perception; Glad Smith said she may be the first person to have paddled a kayak through the Brushgrove Hall.

“On the Tuesday [March 1] just after the river peaked there was muddy water up to my knees in the hall,” Ms Smith said.

“Luckily, most things were out up out of the water, but the kitchen cupboards will need replacing.”

Bus driver wanted for day club

Ms Smith said that the day club operated out of the hall is looking for a bus driver.

“We hope to start the Tartan Brushy RSL Day Club in two weeks-time,” she said, “if the surrounding grounds dry out.

“We are in desperate need for a bus driver for each Tuesday, to bring elderly members from Townsend, Maclean and Woodford Island.

“Contact 0511 864 885 if you can drive the bus for the club.”

Yacht pic

It was a “very lucky ending” for this yacht, which was “moored at Brushgrove dragged anchor and was jammed for four days against the Wingfield Bridge at Brushgrove”, says Glad Smith. “When the current eased, the yacht was towed off the bridge with only minor damage.” Image: Glad Smith

Drone pic

“Jo Feeney took this photograph with a drone two days after the flood peaked at 5.2 metres at Brushgrove,” says Glad Smith