Renewal of electricity contracts

Ed, A warning to all electricity consumers – when your 12 month contract ends, make sure…

Don’t bag Ulmarra

Ed, I am getting a little tired of people bagging Ulmarra. Who said there is nothing…

Pool safety

Ed, I write to you on behalf of Royal Life Saving NSW. I am asking readers…

Finally worked it out

Ed, I have been watching with great interest the Council’s recent progress on the long-awaited beautification…

Fit to Govern

Ed, I am concerned about stories on the Council in the first 5 pages of Wednesday’s…

Easily fixed Bruce

Ed, Re Bruce Apps letter (CVI 18/5/16) “Ads on TV”. Easily fixed Bruce, record everything on…

Tax avoiding politicians

Ed, What is the reason for our politicians to start up companies in tax havens? Whether…

Thank God for the Salvos

Ed, Suffering comes in many forms, but so does hope. There’s no shortage of bad news…

Thoughts on male wellness

Ed, Around ten years ago a specialist surgeon advised me to consider stop wearing a belt…

Ulmarra is in the pink – but watch your step

Ed, As members of a proud and close-knit community, the people of Ulmarra would very much…

Ads on TV

Ed, There is a show on TV called “The VOICE,” which just oozes talent and is…

Draconian laws

Ed, After a lengthy break to enjoy lazy nannerly activities the Grafton Loop of the Knitting…

Iluka’s new footpath

Ed, Many thanks for last week’s article in “The Independent” (4/5/16) about the commencement of the…

Asian turbulence

Ed, I have maintained an interest in our northern neighbours for many years and I have…

A ‘Feast In The Field’

Ed, We want to take this opportunity to publicly thank our eight local and four guest…

National Volunteer Week

Ed, Volunteers make Australia a better and more caring place to live. This week is National…

Trying to build a future here

Ed, I for one, am getting so fed up with CVC’s apparent total lack of duty…

$30 ready in hand

Ed, How unfortunate that Council’s General Manager, after reading my reply (CVI 4/5/16), did not publicly…

A death wish

Ed, For many reasons I feel that it is most certainly about time that the subject…