Iluka’s new footpath
Many thanks for last week’s article in “The Independent” (4/5/16) about the commencement of the formed section of a new footpath on land towards the mouth of the river.
The idea to establish this new footpath was initiated by a group of local residents who on their weekly walks removed weeds from a 450 metre section of a shaded section of the path through the nature reserve alongside the river.
This section of the footpath was completed through the efforts of a Green Army group of young people who did a fine job in putting the finishing touches through the bush section of the footpath.
It will be great to have another low impact footpath which will be of great value to both local residents as well as being another low key feature for tourists to explore.
Thanks also to our Council for supporting this initiative and to the local Yaegl people for their support.
Harry Johnson,
member of Iluka Heart Foundation Walkers