In the sweet land of sugar, Australia’s largest export crop after wheat, local company Sunshine Sugar is a key industry player with three mills across a 150+km stretch of the NSW north coast.
As a part of its strategic business plan, Sunshine Sugar recognises the importance of maintaining sustainability through a combination of innovative products and a culture that supports the health, training and safety needs of its employees. Hence, its core values of teamwork, integrity, excellence, accountability and safety.
This is why it has partnered with Australia’s largest education provider, TAFE NSW, to deliver Certificate IV in Leadership & Management training to many of its 300-odd employees. The training will provide them with a full qualification in leadership and management that is nationally recognised.
TAFE NSW Head of Skillspoint, Technology & Business Services, Dr. Geethani Nair, says the organisation is proud to deliver a training program tailored specifically to an influential agribusiness industry contributor.
“The combined agribusiness sector in the NSW north coast employs close to 40,000 people, accounting for more than five percent of employment in the region. It is big business with big needs – needs that evolve constantly as today’s rapidly changing technology landscape continuously shifts skills and knowledge requirements,” she says.
“Sunshine Sugar is meeting its leadership and management needs through supplying TAFE NSW training to many of its employees, strategically aligning its workforce in today’s business landscape. Ongoing training and professional development is not only critical to operating an efficient, best-practice company, it is vital in keeping staff engaged.
“Our training partnership is equipping many key north coast workers to be a workforce of the future through customised training that enables them to deal with industry’s changing skills needs.”
Sunshine Sugars’ Chief Executive Officer, Mr Chris Connors, says, “A key ingredient to any successful business is having the right culture. I believe that if employees feel that they are equipped with the right skills, are supported in the workplace and feel safe – you have a strong foundation for your business to not just function, but to flourish.”
Three TAFE NSW teachers will deliver onsite training at the three Sunshine Sugar mills – Harwood Mill and Refinery on Harwood Island, Broadwater Mill at Broadwater and Condong Mill in Condong – from now until May.