Last week, the Clarence Valley Independent conducted a street survey in Grafton.
We spoke to a number of motorists and asked them how they’re adapting to front-to-curb parking and if they’re in favour of it becoming a permanent fixture in other locations after its introduction by Clarence Valley Council (CVC) last year following the launch of Rediscover Grafton, a $495,000 local project funded through the NSW Government’s Streets as Shared Spaces Program which aimed to improve accessibility and connection, and support businesses through increased foot traffic in the Grafton CBD.
Clare Mandich: I don’t feel that my opinion carries much weight as I’m not a local, but I truly hate front-to-curb parking. I have two small children under five, and if I have to park in a front-to-curb parking space, I get quite anxious because I’m getting my children in and out of the car within close proximity of the road, and unlike reverse parking, I can’t use the open doors as buffer zones to try and stop them from running onto the road. While I have taught them to be careful in high traffic areas, they still get excited and easily distracted, and I always have terrible anxiety if I have to park in a front-to-curb parking area because I just don’t feel they’re safe options for parents to use.
Mike Gavin: Introducing nose-in parking was one of the better decisions made by the local council, and I reckon it should be introduced in other areas. I reckon it just makes the main street look more orderly, plus I’m sure it helps people on the footpath to feel safer.
Ann Dodd: I’ve never encountered any problems when I’ve had to park nose-in along Prince Street. I don’t particularly like nose-in parking, but it seems to be working and the majority of people seem to like it. I wouldn’t be against it becoming a permanent fixture in other streets around Grafton.
Kay Schulz: I love it. It’s much easier to park along Prince Street, and also in Fitzroy Street when I’m in Grafton. I find people tend to be more patient and more respectful if you’re reversing out of a parking space rather than pulling out of one. I was slightly hesitant when council first introduced it last year, but I’m used to it now.
Thomas Schmidt: Nose-in parking is dangerous. It’s also pretty challenging, especially if you’re reversing out of a parking spot and you’re in between two much larger vehicles which severely restrict your vision. I drive a small hatchback, and it’s tough trying to ease out of a parking space when you feel like you’re squished in between two larger vehicles, and it also makes it hard for oncoming traffic to see you. I only use a nose-in parking space if everywhere else is full.
Tammie Sway: I spoke in favour of nose-in parking in Grafton about two years ago when it was first introduced along a section of Fitzroy Street, and I still think it’s a great idea. I’m actually amazed that a lot of people still don’t like it because I’d have thought motorists would be used to it by now. It’s environmentally friendly because pedestrians aren’t breathing in or smelling filthy odours from reversing vehicles as they walk past, and shops and cafes aren’t having their spaces filled with fumes either. I’d love for nose-in parking to remain a permanent fixture in Grafton.