Rodney Stevens
Residents of Baryulgil and surrounds who currently suffer with poor coverage will experience improved mobile phone and internet reception if a development application DA2024/0159 that is on public exhibition is approved by council.
The DA for a new 20 metre telecommunication monopole to be erected at the Baryulgil telephone exchange site, at 7679 Clarence Way, Malabugilmah, was lodged with Clarence Valley Council on behalf of Telstra on April 4.
The Statement of Environmental Effects SEE lodged with the DA outlines the proposal.
“It has been identified that there is a requirement to provide mobile phone network coverage in many rural areas in NSW under the Mobile Blackspot Program,” the SEE says.
“The area of Malabugilmah in New South Wales is one of the identified priority areas that need a mobile phone network coverage to service the community and nearby areas.”
The site at the Baryulgil telephone exchange was selected as the most appropriate by Telstra from four options in the Malabugilmah area, the SEE states.
Proposed works include installing a new 20 metre steel monopole on concrete pad footing, installing a new omnidirectional antenna on top of the 20m pole measuring one metre in length, installing a new Telstra equipment cabinet and a new battery reserve cabinet, installing underground fibre conduits and pits, installing ancillary equipment such as amplifiers, cable ladders, cable trays, cabling, combiners, consumer mains, feeders, fibre route, GPS antenna, main switchboard, mounting adaptor, private power pole, racks, remote radio units, signs, installing a security fence with a three metre wide gate and retaining wall, and implementing a new 10 metre asset protection zone.
Telstra has obtained consent of the Jana Ngalee Local Aboriginal Land Council to lease the 64 square metre site for the proposal, which is estimated to cost $82,500.
An Environmental Electromagnetic Energy EME report prepared by RF Access lodged with the DA states the maximum EME level calculated for the proposed changes to the site is 0.03 per-cent of the public exposure limit at 23 metres, which reduces to 0.02 per-cent up to 200 metres away, and less than 0.01 per-cent when a person is 500 metres away.
Council welcomes submissions from members of the community and industry stakeholders, but please be aware, submissions are not confidential and are considered public documents.
Submissions about the DA close at 4pm on April 29, 2024.
To lodge a submission visit