
Too young for hearing aids?

If this and other reasons are stopping you from getting your hearing checked, you are not alone.

Many people who have noticed their hearing capacity changing are reluctant to do anything about it. Research shows that most people wait 7-10 years before they do anything, which may be too late.

There are many ‘old wives’ tales’ that affect people’s decisions as well as the stigma along with it.

  • Hearing devices can be discreet and smaller than people first believe
  • The ‘squealing/whistle’ sound is not normal if the person has them fitted correctly
  • The cost of devices is $0.00 if you hold a DVA or Pensioner Concession Card

The key objective here, is to get your hearing assessed as soon as you or your family suspect any hearing loss. Do not wait until you are 80 years of age or more to get help with your hearing – you may be too old to accept the challenge. As an experienced Doctor of Audiology, I have seen it time and time again where elderly people who have had a moderate hearing loss for many years have ignored it and find it difficult to adjust.

Usually, the person has been struggling with the hearing loss for the last 20-30 years, to which now in their 80’s, has the family screaming at them, having to repeat sentences many times, all getting upset and very frustrated. There is no need for this frustration if something is done about the hearing loss much earlier on in their lives.  By the time you are in your 80’s neurological slowing has most likely occurred.

Dexterity (fine motor skills) can be another issue, showing that early practice can have long term benefits as you get older.

Research shows that the benefits of getting your hearing assessed early and wearing devices (if needed) can have the following affects:

  • Social isolation and loneliness are greatly reduced
  • Successful communication without frustration and embarrassment
  • More confidence with managing the devices and overall satisfaction
  • To wear them instead of putting them in the drawer gathering dust
  • Have a positive effect on overall ageing and quality of life

Seeing an accredited Audiologist at Accent Hearing means receiving a comprehensive rehabilitation treatment plan which has many benefits for success short and long term. This includes:

  • Correct advice in not paying for unnecessary costs for expensive devices
  • Rectifying any problems in device management as soon as they arise
  • Counselling with realistic expectations in why devices may have been fitted

According to audiologist Dr Don Schum, a researcher and current Vice-President for Audiology & Professional relations for Oticon in the USA, the neural slowing hypothesis proposes that age-related declines in neural processing speed may underlie a broad range of cognitive deficits in older persons. When you consider the cognitive implications of aging, and how older persons perform tasks, it doesn’t appear that long term memory or linguistic issues are at play, but rather the ability for things to happen quickly within the nervous system seems to slow down. In that, the auditory system requires highly synchronized rapid firing from responses of the auditory nervous system in response to acoustic stimuli.

Accent Hearing is family owned and well established in our community, as an independent leader in hearing health care. Why not call in and say hello before it’s too late in ‘The Link’ Grafton Shopping World opposite the Café; or call 6643 4044 for an appointment.