Community News

Country Music in Yamba

A lot of locals and visitors alike have been disappointed that the Yamba Country Music has not got back up and running since the start of Covid.

So, a few of us locals have been in touch with the boys from ‘Double Trouble’ (now known as Warren and Johnson) and are trying to get things up and running once again, with a few changes.

It will now be called “Just A Lil Bit Country” @ Yamba Golf & Country Club. 

The band will be Warren & Johnson who play music from the 60’s to today, very easy listening and great foot taping tunes.

Our first (and hopefully the first of many) event will take place at the Yamba Gold and Country Club on Sunday October 23, starting at 10am going until 1pm.

There will be lucky door and raffle prizes, and for the three hours of wonderful entertainment it is only going to cost $10 entry, children free.

The club is making all facilities available to everyone.

So, if you would like a great afternoon’s entertainment, please get a group together and come and support this local initiative. If all goes well this could become a regular event. Let’s hope so!

For more information contact Janet on 0405 569 124.

Jane Woodcraft