Local News

Textile Adventure Three

Maclean Patchwork and Quilters have a display of work in the Member’s Room at Ferry Park Gallery, during October. There are numerous mini quilts many of them made by Ursula Rubli as reminders of her large quilts.

Art Quilts also feature with a variety of techniques employed. There are also wall hangings and other patchwork pieces

This colourful display will be open all October and shows the variety of work the group does. The group have also given many quilts to those affected by the floods earlier this year. New members are welcome.

Lower Clarence Arts and Crafts Association Inc (LCACA) is a Not-for-Profit community organisation promoting and showcasing artisans of the Clarence Valley.

LCACA opened Ferry Park Gallery in 1993 for members to display and sell their work. LCACA welcome new members to join us as an exhibitor or volunteer to work in our gallery. Ferry Park Gallery is on Big River Way, and easily accessed from the Maclean Interchange on the Pacific Motorway. The Gallery has a COVID Safety Plan and is managed by our members and open 7 days from 9am – 4pm. Phone: 6645 3700. Email: info@ferrypark.net Web: www.ferrypark.net Socials: Facebook and Instagram.

Di Nixon