Last Tuesday week I had the opportunity to check out the U3A Pickleball Group at the Raymond Laurie Sports Centre in Yamba. To say that I was impressed is an understatement.
Sets of four people were enthusiastically hitting a yellow ball over the net. They were so motivated and having a great time. Their group leader, Kerry, said that Pickleball is an excellent game for hand/ eye co-ordination and aerobic exercise as well as lots of fun. If you think this could interest you, give Kerry a call for more information on 0431 457 515. Think I’ll give it a try!
Musical Theatre
Also last Tuesday, the Musical Theatre Group presented Roger and Hammerstein’s “State Fair.”
Before the movie, this very social group indulge in a glass of wine with cheese and biscuits whilst chatting, then listen to a short, interesting spiel about the background of the film. Very civilised! “State Fair ” was a lovely musical romance which transported us back to a simpler, gentler time, that (dare I say it) some of us can still remember.
This group view a different musical every six weeks, so if you’d like to join us, call Chrissie on 0419 220 151.
Last week’s unseasonably hot and very humid weather, I feel, scared many of us from walking. I also know of three regulars who were away on holidays. Still, six brave walkers had a very enjoyable, easy walk at Secret Lake, near Lawrence. See who they were in the photo on our U3A Facebook page. With cooler weather approaching (we hope), I hear there are some great walks planned in this beautiful part of our country. Exercise, wonderful views, fresh air and good company _ what more could you want?
If you think this sounds like your thing, just call Ian on 6646 2909.
Badges – A little housekeeping!
The committee has recently been arranging insurance for our members and have emphasised the need for all of us to wear name badges to classes. We also must sign on and write our membership number every time (it’s on the badge) to ensure coverage in the event of an accident (to prove we were present that day). Hopefully, it will never be needed.
Also, name badges come in very handy when we can’t remember someone’s name!
That’s all folks, till next week.
Anita Neville