Tuesday September 10
Minor Singles final
Conditions for this final were not for the faint-hearted – with smoke billowing from the bushfires and a howling gale of a wind – finals contenders Lois Duncan and Barb Cross (together with our president Bev as marker) braved the elements to finalise this competition for 2019.
Shots were not easy to come by in these conditions and many bowls hurried up by the wind ended up on the bank but Lois and Barb still showed their true form with a battle royal. The lead shifted from Lois to Barb and vice versa throughout the game and at 18 all looked like being a fight to the end. But Lois managed to edge out to 24 and with one shot to achieve the finish line. The last end was a nail-biter. Lois, battling the wind, had three bowls on the bank and with Barb holding 4 shots to level, had only one bullet left to fire. To the astonishment of all of us spectators she played weight and managed to skim off one of Barb’s shots to win the end and take the competition. Congratulations to both girls for their tenacity under the conditions and to Lois – Minor Singles Champion 2019.
Thursday September 19
A quiet week on our greens this week with so many attending Iluka’s Hibiscus Day on Tuesday and again today with several of our players representing our District in the Interdistrict competition at Condong Bowling Club.
Today 18 bowlers took to the greens in great conditions for a game and the deserving winners were R. Fletchers team of V. Beddow and B. Cross who defeated R. Mckibbin, N. Smith and G. Davis. The other rinks were all pairs games with W. Bell and M. Conlan just over the line against M. Wall and L. Asbury; L. Duncan and S. Carroll (visitor) d M. Sakac and J. Moseley (v) and M. Abbott and J. Pryor d G. Freeman and R. Dickson.
Next up is club triples – commencing October 1.
Jackpot was won – for the second week in a row by Judy Pryor and her rink.
On Shot