Construction of the first of two controversial roundabouts is about to commence in Yamba.
The plan to construct four roundabouts on Yamba Road (three in Yamba and one at Palmers Island) was thrown into disarray at the February Clarence Valley Council (CVC) meeting when it was revealed that there was a “funding shortfall of over $6million for the adopted roundabout projects in their current form”.
As a result, a majority of councillors voted to “seek a variation of the Funding Deed to allocate the Restart NSW $4,427,516 grant to the Treelands Drive and Carrs Drive roundabout projects” and to not proceed with the roundabouts at Shores Drive and Palmers Island.
On April 29, Restart NSW agreed to vary the scope of the project and extended the completion date for the works to June 30, 2021.
The revised budget for the two roundabouts now stands at $6,070,433, made up of the Restart NSW Grant and $1,642,917 from CVC.
At next week’s May 26 CVC meeting, councillors will be asked to “approve new allocations of $115,000 from the sewer fund for sewer relocation works and $276,000 from the water fund for water relocation works”.
These funds will be used for “further works … undertaken on the design of the roundabout and required services … due to restrictions in space, stormwater and water supply lines, [which] need to be located under the north east corner of [the property on the south western corner of the Treelands Drive and Yamba Road intersection]”.
“An easement will be required over Council’s infrastructure,” staff advise councillors.
“Negotiations have commenced with the landowner.
“Council will install the infrastructure and will undertake works to return the landowners land to a satisfactory condition.
“Works and compensation are currently being negotiated with the landowner.”
Clarence Valley Council did to reply to the Independent’s inquiry, as no one was available to comment when the request was made.