Community News
Yamba Evening VIEW Club
The first of February, was our AGM and Past Senior Officer, Laura O’Brien officiated for our President Karen, who is recovering from surgery.
Twenty five members and four guests, one of whom had a very familiar face, from years gone by, attended the dinner. Zone Councilor, Anne Dinham, then read the nominations for all committee positions and those nominees, were subsequently elected. Congratulations ladies, club members look forward to your stewardship through 2016.
Our President’s report for 2015 was read and is a wonderful reminder, to us all, why we enjoy meeting for friendship, socialisation and learning about other people’s journeys through our guest speakers.
Remember ladies, most of us came here from somewhere else and you too could have a story to tell.
We lost three of our VIEW members, all vibrant women taken prematurely in 2015. On a happier note, we continue to grow our membership, making our role (through the Smith Family) of supporting disadvantaged children, children we will never meet and families we will never know, that little bit more achievable and that is all that matters.
Thursday the 25th was our social event for February and our ladies were given a nice surprise, when they were invited to the home of our President Karen for morning tea. Despite recovering from her surgery, Karen was a very gracious hostess. The ladies brought along delicious food and the novelty of the morning, was the mobile coffee man calling, taking orders and delivering. Thank you Karen the grape vine told me it was a very enjoyable morning.
March 11 will be our main fund raiser and social event for the month. This year there will be market day stall from 9am till the main program at 9.45am.
Our next dinner will be on March 7, if you need to advise your attendance, please email or phone Marlene on 6645 8721, by Friday 4.
Guest speaker for the evening will John Ibbotson, metallurgist, computer systems designer (American Airlines), photographer extraordinaire, published author, authority on lighthouses and climate change sceptic. John spent 17years in Alaska, with many photos and articles published in major magazines. He is currently working on his new book titled, Sea/Sands and Birds. Please come and meet him.
Margaret Maher