Community News
Grafton Senior Citizens
Grafton Senior Citizens recently held their February bus trip (first for new year), to Dorrigo with 36 passengers.
The day began with a drive on Armidale Road, then North Dorrigo Road, then to Dangar Falls for a picnic morning tea, while taking in view of falls. Here we were greeted by a local resident, who is a member of local museum.
Next stop was the local museum to view displays, then the nearby Rainforest Centre & Skywalk and Griffiths Lookout to take in the view, which covers areas beyond Bellingen to the coast.
Then journey down Dorrigo mountain on Waterfall Way, past waterfalls, to Bellingen, with final journey home through Coffs Harbour.
Thanks to our coach captain, Tony, for a great day, all passengers for their support, committee & all involved in arranging trip, & serving morning tea.
Next trip, a day to Murwillumbah, on a scenic route, to visit Tweed Gallery, including Margaret Olley Art Centre is on Friday, April 8, cost $45, and still has plenty of spare seats.
A day trip to Gold Coast for Outback Spectacular show, including a 3 course lunch, on Sunday, June 26, cost $100, has also recently gone on sale, & also has spare seats.
A 7 day extended tour to Port Stephens area, from August 19, went on sale before Christmas is fully booked, but reserves will be noted.
The annual soup & games day, Monday April 18, cost $10, will go on sale at March meeting. Bookings Kaye Watkins.
Bookings at Seniors rooms any Thursday, or at monthly meeting on second Tuesday. If you can’t make meeting, ring & discuss options.
Full details of next year’s trips & special functions, with tentative dates, are on seniors rooms notice board, or available from Tour Organisors, Sandra, phone 6642 7720, or Dot, phone 6642 7279.
Members are reminded if unable to go on a trip, early notification to one of numbers on brochure, will give time for a replacement to be considered. Also, refunds generally only possible if 7 days notice given.
Membership fees for 2016 are still $5, and now due.
Members are encouraged to attend next meeting on Tuesday, March 8, which will also include AGM, with election of committee for next year. To ensure successful running of group, nominations for committee are still required.
More support of all seniors activities will ensure their continuation.
Sandra Connelly