From the Newsroom

Yamba CAN steering committee Leon Ankersmit, Lynn Deacon, Alex Devantier, James Lamerton, Col Shephard, Sarah Rose-Cherry. Image: Helen Tyas Tunggal

Yamba Community Action Network adopt name, vision

Rodney Stevens


The residents have united signalling a new wave of community awareness and activity as the Yamba CAN Community Action Network was adopted as the official name so development on flood plains doesn’t ‘Drown our Town’.

Yamba CAN was formed following growing community concern about several significant developments proposed for the town and their impacts after the devastating 2022 floods.

A steering committee of eight members met several times before Yamba CAN’s public meeting on September 10.  

Steering committee acting chairman James Lamerton said members were presented some feedback by the steering committee about the group’s vision statement, set of objectives and a draft constitution.

“The objectives of the organisation were well supported by the membership unanimously, and the vision statement actually got a round of applause, so it was very positive,” he said.

“The name Yamba CAN Community Action Network and the slogan ‘Don’t drown our town’ have both been adopted by the group with unanimous support.”

Currently members have two weeks to consider the four-page constitution, Mr Lamerton said, until it will be put before the next meeting for ratification.

“We have put together a constitution that is compliant with NSW Fair Trading legislation for an incorporated association,” he said. 

“A motion was put and carried that members take the constitution away for two weeks until the next meeting, study it and bring it back with recommendations and we’ll undertake to have that in force.

“Once the constitution has been adopted then we’ll call for elections and that’s when the steering committee will step down.”

Mr Lamerton said he advised members that becoming an incorporated association was something to be considered in the future, after Yamba CAN adopts its constitution and elected a committee.

The group were advised by Mr Lamerton that Member for Clarence Chris Gulaptis had made contact with an offer to approach Clarence Valley Council on behalf of the group.

“Chris Gulaptis contacted the group and asked if we would like him to act on our behalf and approach Clarence Valley Council to review their flood planning data and their flood planning risk management strategy,” he said.

“We resolved on balance that the membership would support that approach, so I wrote a letter to Mr Gulaptis on behalf of the organisation accepting his offer.”

Yamba CAN are always accepting new members, Mr Lamerton said, with the steering committee hoping younger members of the community get involved.

“We are very keen to attract younger members of our community,” he said.

“There are a lot of young people who are feeling that they are unvoiced and unrecognised in the community, and this is a great opportunity to get involved.”

Vision Statement

To advocate for and maintain a vibrant township with a progressive culture that respects and protects our unique and fragile environment.

Aims/Objectives of Yamba CAN

  1. To provide a welcoming and respectful forum for a diverse range of community views relating

to matters that affect the whole community

  1. To ensure an appropriate and responsible balance between community and commercial

interests that enhances and protects the unique character of Yamba.

  1. To respectfully but forcefully advocate our community’s needs, aspirations and desires to local, state and federal governments.
  2. To unite, inform and empower the Yamba community on current and ongoing issues through traditional and social media platforms.
  3. To ensure that we are a transparent and collaborative voice for the community.
  4. To work collaboratively to create and maintain a respectful and safe community environment that reflects the needs and desires of our community.
  5. To support responsible and sustainable development projects that preserve and protect the quality of our lifestyle and the harmony of our community.
  6. To work collaboratively to protect and preserve our unique environment and our significant biodiversity for generations to come.

Yamba CAN’s next community meeting for ratification of the draft constitution will be at 6pm, on Wednesday 28 September at the Wooli Street Hall.

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