Community News
The Country Music Club
The September Muster held by the GDSC Country Music Group, commenced with Don Adams playing his ever popular button accordion and then Peter Dransfield played and sang for us some well known oldies such as ‘The Diamentina Drover’ and ‘Grandma’s Feather Bed’. Peter then stayed on to accompany Chrissy O’Farrell and Bill Hawken sang some grand old Wilf Carter songs such as ‘There’ll Be No Blues Up Yonder’, and they were very well received as many of us had not heard them before. Roy Atree was assisted by Doreen McLaren after which Doreen joined forces with Nathan Skinner and thrilled us with her yodelling and song presentation.
Then it was Nathan’s turn, he really has become our local ‘Young Man in Black’ with his raw, gutsy, up tempo style he sure got feet stomping.
We had a visitor on the day from Cleveland… Yvonne Blain sang some lovely numbers with a warm, rich, full sound and we hope Yvonne will come back again someday and maybe bring some friends with her. Jan Jarvis was in great form and we always thoroughly enjoy listening to Jan singing her folk songs, they sure are a delight. Tony Dransfield performed for us and was joined by Doreen and Nathan for a real Hoe – Down get- together. Have to say thank you to Geoff Watson who spent almost the entire afternoon accompanying all and sundry with such polish on the drum kit, and we were lucky enough to get Geoff to give us an amazing drum solo which had everybody mesmerised with his skill.
Each month we are getting more and more people coming along to get up and have a dance, (country style), so if that’s your thing then why not come along and join in with the dancing. Col Billing was back amongst us following his stroke, he’s not up to performing yet but I’m sure that will not be too far away.
Our next Muster will be Sunday October 18, you will find us upstairs in the function room at the GDSC. There is a lift for those who find the stairs a challenge and afternoon tea can be purchased from the Club.
The Music starts at 1pm, so come along and have an enjoyable afternoon.
David Bailey