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Probus Club of Yamba
The next meeting of Yamba Probus club will be held at the Yamba Bowling Club on Monday April 4, commencing at 10am. All members are reminded that membership renewals are now due.
The meeting last month was the AGM and election of committee took place. Some positions were vacated and new people have filled them.
Committee is now as follows: President – Mr Kevin Corcoran; Secretary – Mrs Di Wood; Treasurer – Mr Joe Graham.
Plus there are seven other members on the committee filling the various other roles in the club.
A small group of members joined together and totally enjoyed a ‘Scrabble’ morning. This group has agreed to continue every 2nd Friday morning. Anyone, male or female are welcome to join in, just contact the club at our next meeting.
Guest speaker for our April meeting will be Ms Hajar Ismail who is the Advocate and Training Officer for Clarence Valley Ability Inc., an organisation who work with people experiencing disabilities.
Trivia night: A Trivia night has been organised for Wednesday April 13.
Everyone—not just members, are welcome to attend. Starting time 7pm.
Cost: $8 per person which includes supper and prizes. Come along – the more the merrier.
Venue is the Yamba Bowling Club. New members and visitors are most welcome at our meetings.
Jan Mathews