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Port of Yamba Yacht Autumn Sailing Series
The Port of Yamba Yacht Club is approaching the last three months of the 2015/16 sailing season after a very successful and enjoyable year to date. We have many new members, a few new boats and have raced almost every Wednesday and second Sunday since the start of September last year. We have been lucky to have had a run of great sailing weather over many months, although maybe a bit too humid for some.
We are currently sailing the Autumn Twilight Series every Wednesday evening and participation has been strong and competitive. There are just two races to go before daylight savings finishes and the series ends. Currently Audacious is leading with Pintado in second place and Sure Thing a very close third. They have been pursuit races where yachts start separately according to their handicaps and in theory should all finish together. We have had some very exciting close finishes.
The Autumn Sunday Series still has seven races to go and finishes at the end of the season in June. Audacious and Bacchus are in equal first place with a new boat, Circe, two points back in third.
Apart from racing days, regattas and other special occasions, the club rooms are open every Friday from 5pm. Visitors are welcome to the friendly and fully licensed premises whether they are yachties or not. Just come up the stairs at the marina and say hello. You will find we don’t only talk about boats.
The club has two regattas a year, which are simply a series of races over two or more days. Both our regattas are in the final three months of the season, with the PYYC’s 24th Annual Easter Regatta being held this long week-end. Yachts of all shapes, sizes and performances are descending on the club from Coffs, Ballina and southern Queensland to boost the local fleet. We will be holding four races over three days with plenty of eating, drinking and chatting in between. After the final race we present the trophies and prizes and everyone goes home, many travelling to other towns towing their boats on trailers or sailing them back.
Then we do it all again at the end of June when we hold the Founding Fathers’ Regatta in honour of the original members, some of whom came to Yamba from Sydney for a seachange and started the club up in 1993. It has grown in recent years to the same number of participants as the Easter Regatta and many are the same yachts and crews returning for another fun event.
So our sailing calendar is ending with a bang and a very busy time for many of our members who are volunteering to help out in a large variety of jobs to make these showcase events a success. We could always do with more helpers and new members are always welcome whether or not they are into sailing.
More information about the Port of Yamba Yacht Club and the Easter Regatta can be found on our web site at