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Palm Lake Social Golf
What a beautiful day greeted our enthusiastic golfers on Tuesday morning (26/7). Although the early morning start has had a couple of the golfers don long trousers the rest of this hardy bunch are still showing their tough hide in summer gear.
It has become evident to the committee over the last weeks that the Grading of A and B Grade golfers has become a little lopsided with many more B Graders than A Graders playing each week. A decision was made by the committee to adjust the handicapping so as to have more equal numbers of golfers playing in both grades. Seventeen golfers lined up for the start of this weeks 9 hole Stableford round played on the back nine this week with two match play rounds being decided also.
Congratulation’s to the match play winners Richard Ardin winning over Alek Miltiadou and John Lockwood winning over Jenny Muir. The winners of the Stableford event today was A Grade Gordon McHugh with a sizzling round of 25 off a h/cap of 30 (a big adjustment on his h/cap coming up) with Dr John Lockwood taking out the second prize with a score of 23 off a h/cap of 31 and the third place was taken out by Peter Jarman with a score of 21 off a h/cap of 31.
Chris Sharp won the B Grade with a score of 21 off a h/cap of 38 with second place (on a count back) going to the effervescent Gary Taylor with a score of 20 off a h/cap of 35 with Jenny Muir taking out third place also with a score of 20 off a h/cap of 37.
The NTP the pin on the 12th hole A grade and winning the Yamba Barber Shop prize was Peter Jarman and the B Grade Yamba Pro shop prize was taken out by John Lockwood.
NTP on the 17th hole Taking out the Sassafras A Grade prize was Gordon McHugh with the B Grade Bean Scene prize going to Gary Taylor. Thank you to all our sponsors for their generous support. It was good to see Ken Hall who has been on the sick list back to see us although not playing but giving plenty of cheek. A invitation is extended to golfers who would like to join our group on Tuesday mornings you will be made most welcome just turn up at 7.15 for a 7.30am start.
Tony Turner