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Palm Lake Golf

The later winter sunrise last week saw 18 golfers play the standard Stableford nine holes starting at 8am but it was overlaid with the annual teams event of the Captain’s team versus the Secretary’s team. In the Stableford event Erik Pedder took out A Grade with a great 19 points from Peter Jarman on 18 and Bruce Douglass on 16. B Grade saw Jenny Muir beat Chris Sharp on a count back when both scored 18 points and Ken Lillie took 3rd place from Wendy Turner also on a count back on 17 points. In the team event Peter Jarman’s Captain’s team cumulated enough points to just shade Jenny Muir’s Secretary’s team for the annual trophy. NTPs on 3rd saw Gordon McHugh win the Sassafras voucher with a fine birdie and Richard Ardin won the Yamba Barber Shop haircut. On hole 9 Bruce Douglass won the Bean Scene Cafe voucher and Andrew Shelley the Yamba Pro Shop voucher. At the presentation there was some discussion about who was going to take over the handicapping role when Dennis Burton makes the move to Ballina at the end of July. We all agreed that it will be difficult to run the system as efficiently as Dennis has over recent years but a more simple system will be put into practice starting in July and even though the transition will need the individual players to make out their own cards, the ultimate results will be similar. Any golfer wishing to join us on a Tuesday for 9 holes simply has to be at the course ready to tee off before 8am. Peter Jarman