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Maclean Sports Centre
Match of the week was between Roy Ellery and Kirsty Gooley. Going game for game Roy called a short game in the fifth and won the match 3-2, points were 67-63. Great game. Close behind this match was Allison Bennett and Ross Gudgeon. This also went game for game with Allison winning the fifth 15-13 with final points 65-59. Ray Hoade got off to a slow start against the younger Nick Plummer going down in the first two games. Fighting back he took the match to five, going down 15-12 in the fifth. Points 63-58. Greg Graham and Gordon Hogue also had a good five setter with Greg taking the fifth 15-7. Final points 61-all.
Indoor Cricket
Results of last week’s matches: Babies Arms def Brushgrove 137-110, Lawrence def Yamba and match of the night was 128-all between GIO’s Gents and Maclean.
Indoor Volleyball
Results of last week’s volleyball:
Jetsters def Maclean Motors, Keepers def Mixed Up and Junior Magpies def Blooms.
Results of last week’s Futsal:
The Vipers and Wildcats had a 5 all draw, Jungle Juice def Goal Diggers 10-3 and in a very high scoring game Co-ops def The Legos 13-9.
Results of last week’s netball: Legos def Who Cares 20-10, Bottoms Up def Fired Up 21-13.
Just a reminder to teams in all sports – if your team plays short you are expected to pay the team fee for the match. Your co-operation would be appreciated.
New competition will be starting soon in all sports. If you would like to nominate a team or as an individual player, contact the centre.
For further information contact the Centre on 66 455769. Janine will be back this week so you can contact the mobile 0408 852 881.