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Grafton Indoor Archery
Results of indoor shoots held Monday July 27, Tuesday July 28 and Thursday July 30.
Monday: Cranes Community Support Group:
Scores out of 200: Kate Kratz 125, Keenan Stillman 73, Rowena Nunan 14 (return after Open Heart surgery).These archers all shoot Bare Bow under the supervision of a Cranes carer.
Tuesday: Cubs, Juniors, Beginners and Seniors.
Scores out of 200: Nathan Kendell 200 (Senior Sighted), Aidan Mitchell 197 (Senior Sighted), Harlan Thorley 195 (19 X’s)(Senior Sighted), Robert Glew 195 (18 X’s)(Senior Sighted), Matt
Phillipson 163 (Senior Recurve), Jon Lavery 128 (Senior Bare Bow), Tom Lavery 94 (Cub Bare Bow).
Thursday: Seniors, Juniors and Cubs.
Scores out of 300: Steve Apps 297 (Senior Sighted), Robert Sherlock 282 (Senior Sighted),
Dion Eames 269 (Senior Sighted), Robert Baker 267 (Senior Sighted), Aidan Mitchell 265 (Senior Sighted), Seth Greedy 241 (Senior Sighted), Harlan Thorley 240 (Senior Sighted), Merv Kerrison 218 (Senior Sighted Recurve), Vern Mackey 215 (Senior Sighted), Josh Thorburn 211 (Senior Sighted), Mitchell Lovell 202 (Senior Sighted). Score out of 200: Mitchell Firth 180 (Senior Sighted), Jeff Thompson 167 (Senior Sighted), Robert Glew 153 (Senior Sighted), Thomas Gilmore 146 (Cub Sighted). Score out of 100: Nathan Kendell 97 (Senior Sighted), Belinda (Roy)Morris 75 (Junior Sighted), Mitchell Firth 49 (Senior Recurve)
Next outdoor shoot (paper) Sunday, August 16, 10am start, at Bawden’s Bridge course. BBQ lunch and drinks available.
Indoor archery: At 21 Turf Street Grafton. The river side of the railway line, via Fitzroy St.
Tuesday: From 6pm, Cubs, Juniors, Beginners and Seniors. Thursday: From 6pm, Seniors, Juniors, Cubs and anyone else who would like to come along.
Jeff Thompso