
Just like family

Capture   Visitors from many parts of our state, as well as from the colder climes of Victoria and from north in Queensland return annually to bask in the beautiful Clarence area and are very welcome participants at YWBC’S regular social bowls and local tournaments. In fact, they become like family. One of the ‘regulars’, Beryl Evans from Lithgow, skipped the team of lucky rink winners on Tuesday 18th August. She, with lead Val Pate and second Gloria Davis staged a battle royal to draw then win on a count-back of ends won from Val Pate, S Siely and Marj Thompson. Runner up was the pairs combination of Helen Atkinson and Wendy Ballantyne who narrowly defeated Wynne Bell and Robyn McPherson in a high quality game. Meanwhile, Kaye Mason’s very welcome return to bowls saw her team of Faye Reeves and Marg Wall be the lucky unlucky ones, when they won the Consolation prize. They were defeated by Colleen Beard, Audrey Cook ( Inverell – regular visitor) and Judy Sinclair. In other results, E Moodie, S Owen and D Burey had the narrowest of wins over B Neilsen, G Hoskin and J Pearson. Meanwhile B Mills, J Miller and D Budd defeated J Jeanes, R Hippisley and Lyn Olsson, while Y McDonald, M Sakac and C Casement won over M Watt, P Conley and R Fletcher. Then on Thursday 20th, even though weather intervened, and bowls not possible, members and visitors still arrived in hope. The 10 am adjournment to the Bowlo Coffee Shop was the order of the day though. President Robyn is asking for members to attend the quarterly meeting on Monday 31st if at all possible, as there are some important items on the agenda which will be of interest to all. The birthday luncheon will follow the meeting, and the attendance sheet is on the board. Remember, too, that the print run for The Ditch is determined by the number of names on the attendance sheet. Wendy Ballantyne