
Iluka Ladies Grade Championship victors

Results for Wednesday, September 2 The third and final round of the Grade Championships for 2015 Division One – Sandi Mayoh is the Gross winner on 261 by one shot from r/up Lyn Briggs. Division Two – Gross Champion is Chris Kembrey on 292. Division Three – Gross Champion is Lynn Robertson on 344. Nett winners were: Div 1 – Nett winner, Brenda Kay on 211, r/up Bette Bell on 214; Div 2 – Nett winner, Helen Cockbain 229; Div 3 – Nett winner, Valerie Loeffler 233. At the same time, a small field played 7th Monthly Medal, Single Stroke and Putting. Our thanks go to the sponsor for the day – Michael Warner the Iluka Jeweller, and to the Iluka Pharmacy who generously sponsors the Best Overall Nett each month. Winners: 0 – 26 Bette Bell 67 net; 27 – 45 Valerie Loeffler 70 net. Runners Up: 0 – 26 Brenda Kay 71 nett; 27 – 45 Margaret Ridley 72 nett. Ball Run Down: to 75 L Briggs, L Poore, F McClymont, S Mayoh, P Ravet, M Whitton. Putting: 0 – 26 B Bell 29, 27 – 45 L Robertson 33. NTP: 2nd shot 8/17 0 – 26 Bette Bell; 2nd shot 1/10 27 – 45 Ann Dean; Lyn Connell 2nd shot 6/15 0 – 26 Sandi Mayoh. Dallas Encouragement: L. Robertson, P Freeman. And the raffle was won by Lyn Robertson. The game on Wednesday 16th will be a Ladies 3 person Ambrose, sponsored by Elaine Gallen so put your names in for this one – it isn’t a Stroke event. Monday 21st September is the annual Fun Day with 9 holers and guests – always a good day, so names in for that too – the theme is Red. Pat Shepherd