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Iluka Ladies Bowls

As the year draws to a close, the bowling calendar remains very busy for IWBC. Recent events for the ladies have been the very successful Gala Day at Iluka on October 1. This fundraising day for CRDWBA raised a record amount of money for the district and all the Iluka bowlers who contributed in any way have been congratulated and thanked not only by the Iluka management committee but by many other clubs and the district committee. November 3, saw many of our lady bowlers enjoying a fun day at the club for Melbourne Cup day. November 10, was the date for the Nell Brown Challenge against the Yamba Women’s Bowling Club. This year the event was held at Yamba and despite the best efforts of our three teams, Yamba was once again victorious. Our teams did enjoy the friendly rivalry and hospitality extended to them and are very grateful to the Yamba ladies club for their organisation of the day. Our Presentation Day was on Tuesday November 24. Following bowls we had the presentation of trophies and badges for this year’s winners and lunch. Members were asked to bring a plate of finger food to share. Thursday November 26, we will be taking a team of eight bowlers to Maclean for the annual Em Utting day. This competition involves a game of fours between the clubs of Iluka, Maclean and Yamba. Quite a number of our members are also playing in the mixed competitions currently. The winners of the mixed pairs are Don Amey and Lyn Briggs. They were successful after a marathon game against Chris Morris and Kahl Reid. This very entertaining game could have gone either way and congratulations must go to all players. The mixed fours competition has commenced and already some very close and competitive games have been enjoyed. The annual Christmas party will be held on Thursday December 10. Members re asked to bring along donations for the Christmas hampers to be raffled and drawn at the Christmas party. This year we are also having a “guessing competition” as part of our day. Ladies please bring in a photo of yourself as a teenager. Photos will be placed on a board and guessing will commence on the tenth. The selection and social committees are working on the format of the day and lists will be put up on the board in the next week or so. The last day of bowls for the year will be Thursday December 17. Kaye Becker