Community News

Grafton U3A – most things on hold…but we still operate

While the COVID 19 pandemic has seriously dampened down the activities of the Grafton U3A we are still alive and kicking, albeit in a somewhat rather reduced fashion.

Your committee have continued to meet monthly with some of us using the electronic media to participate from their homes with others still attending the Prince Street rooms in person.

We are continuing to produce the Jabber journal each month and small groups are also meeting regularly, contact your group leaders for the meeting times etc. The Mens Shed is open each weekday with the numbers attending each day being strictly limited to comply with the the social distancing rules.

Regrettably we have had to cancel monthly Jabberfests until further notice, also to comply with the social distancing limits.

These restrictions have also provided us with the need to delay indefinitely the AGM and the election of officers, this being in accordance with the Constitution, resulting in the existing committee members continuing in their roles until we are again free to meet in numbers at our usual Jabberfest venue. We will see what the new year 2021 will bring and fervently hope and pray that it will see an effective anti virus vaccine being available to the nation early in the new year rather than later.


With Christmas fast approaching  our usual Christmas gathering will be a departure from the norm with a grand picnic being arranged for us, with the venue being the Shannon Creek dam, scheduled to be held early in December (Thursday 3), look for the details in the Jabberjournal. Our social secretary has indicated that the picnic idea has met with quite a favourable response with over forty members expressing an interest thus far.

Our treasurer has also reminded us that while we are somewhat hampered in our activities, we nevertheless continue to incur most of the general operating costs, rents telephone, electricity etc. So a gentle reminder to any who may not have renewed their membership, please do.

The next Jabberjournal should be in your hands in the first few days of October.


Brian Carter