Community News

Grafton Senior Citizens – December meeting

Grafton Senior Citizens recently held their December meeting, with attendance of 65, and eight apologies.

Birthday wishes to those celebrating during month. Best wishes to anyone on sick list, including David Bailey. Verbal thanks from Judith Ireland for good wishes. Sincere sympathy to family of former members, Beryl Dean, Lucy Day, Richard Wallace, who all recently passed away. 

There were no new members and no guest speaker.

Correspondence in included thank you cards from Jaci Schweizer, Daphne Cooper, following illness; letter of apology from Chris & Bev Wheelahan, hon solicitor, unable to attend Christmas lunch and Christmas card from Ellen Mulherin.

Correspondence out, sympathy cards to deceased former members. Treasurers report tabled and accounts for payment authorised.

General business included; latest NSW & North Coast seniors papers available; latest local newsletter distributed; suggestion we get an ambulance officer to be guest speaker to explain correct used of recently acquired heartstart defibrillator, and other first aid matters.

The recent Christmas luncheon was successful, with good attendance, meal and entertainment. Thanks to ‘headspace’ for use of their room, and to Yvonne & Brian Hall who picked up food. Suggested in future raffle be drawn a bit later.

Following recent comments on bank account funds for a non profit organisation, definition of non profit organisation was read out to clarify this matter. 

Successful bus trip, the final for year, to Mylestom for our annual picnic was recently held.

The first trip for 2020 is day trip to an open garden at Coorabell, and the Maritime Museum at Ballina on February 28, still have spare seats.

Tickets for the trip to Glen Innes and Emmaville on March 27 to view the mine museum have just gone on sale, and there are plenty of spare seats.

The eight day tour to Moree, St George, Charleville, Roma, Toowoomba has about six spare seats.

Expressions of interest are being taken for a possible trip to the Daniel O’Donnell show in late August or early September.

All groups went go into recess by December 13, and most will resume the week commencing January 20.

There is no meeting in January, and the next meeting will be on Tuesday February 11 at 10.30am. The AGM will be on Tuesday March 10 at 10am, with a general meeting. Members are reminded annual membership fees are due before AGM.

Enquiries on activities, trips and membership, can be made with Sandra on 6642 7720, including during recess period.

Thanks to all members for their support during the year and all are wished a happy, healthy and safe festive season.

Competition winners: Y. Bush; A. Grennen; G. Watters; D. Schuhmacher; M. Clark; B. Hall; L. Sewell.

Sandra Connelly