Community News
Grafton Senior Citizens
Grafton Senior Citizens recently held a very successful soup and games day, with almost 30 members in attendance.
The day began with a delicious morning tea, followed by games of Hoi and housie, with grocery prizes. These games were interspersed with trivia facts, quizzes, a poem, and some funny stories. There was also lucky seat prizes, winners: E. Ward, R. Miller, and a competition, winner, M. Rodgers.
The hard working committee then served a delicious lunch.
After a very successful day, it is hoped to do a similar day again in the future.
A very special thanks to all hard working committee who took bookings, ran games, sold tickets in competitions, cooked and served meal, and to all who attended for their support.
Next special function, a pie day, on Monday, 6 June, has recently gone on sale, and more bookings are required to ensure success of function. This day will also include a special morning tea, and pies will come with peas, mash, and gravy. There will also be dessert of fruit salad and ice cream. There will be games, trivia, and different fun competitions to complete day.
Members are reminded that higher attendance at activities, special functions, and trips, will ensure their continuation. Check seniors notice board any Thursday, or Tuesday meeting day, for details.
Sandra Connelly