Community News
Maclean Hospital Auxiliary
At the recent meeting of the Maclean Lower Clarence Hospital Auxiliary the executive officer, Dan Madden, gave a report on the way the hospital is running. The financial position is slightly favourable and the Emergency Department has treated nine thousand patients so far which is the normal rate. New electronic systems and computers are being introduced throughout the district. The rehabilitation ward has opened with five patients and Mr Madden presented a new “wish list”for the auxiliary’s consideration.
The correspondence included an invitation from the council to all volunteers to attend a free showing of the movie “Florence” at the Yamba cinema on Thursday May 12 starting at 12 noon. Tea and coffee will be provided at 11.45am and those wishing to attend should book on 66403812. Generous donations were received from Maclean Women’s Bowling Club, Iluka Ladies Golf Club, Wellspring Christian Life Centre and Helen Holland. The secretary is sending letters of appreciation.
The treasurer reported that the street stall in Maclean raised $586. Plans were finalised for the annual Mothers’ Day Morning Tea in the River Room at Maclean Services Club on Friday May 6 starting at 10am. As well as delicious food there will be lucky door prizes, tombolas and raffles. Entry fee is still only $5.
The trolley organiser, Margaret Annand, stressed that if anyone is unable to attend on their rostered day they should find a replacement and notify her or the secretary, Rhonda Shaw, of the change for legal and insurances reasons. More volunteers are needed for this valuable service to hospital patients.
Members are requested to save bottle tops from wine and soft drink bottles for Rita who has a clever idea for Christmas decorations (and it won’t be long coming around again).
The next meeting will be on Monday May16 at 2pm in the conference room of Community Health at Maclean District Hospital. New members are welcome.
Maggie Combley