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Grafton Outdoor Archery
Results of Outdoor (Safari Paper) shoot held Sunday June 21 at Bawden’s Bridge course.
Scores out of 400: Thomas Gilmore 334 (Cub Sighted), Harlan Thorley 333 (Senior Sighted), Belinda (Roy) Morris 323 (Junior Sighted), Aidan Mitchell 297 (on count back) (Senior Sighted), Robert Glew 297 (Senior Sighted), Dion Eames 290 (Senior Sighted), Nathan Kendell 270 (Senior Sighted), Liam Collins 223 (Senior Sighted), Chris Burgess 205 (Senior Sighted), Gordon Kelly 184 (Senior Bare Bow), Blade Collins 126 (Cub Bare Bow Beginner). Scores out of 200: Vern Mackey 138 (Senior Sighted), Warren Hutchinson 115 (Senior Sighted), Alan Wilson 92 (Senior Recurve), Jeff Thompson 66 (Senior Recurve).
Winter camp-out Friday, Saturday and Sunday June 26, 27, 28. Free camp oven meal for members and their family Saturday night. Novelty shoots all weekend.
Next Outdoor Shoot: (3D) Sunday, July 5 from 10am start Bawden’s Bridge course. BBQ lunch, and drinks available.
Indoor Archery: 21 Turf St, Grafton, on the river side of the railway line via Fitzroy Street. Tuesdays: Cubs, Juniors, Seniors and Beginners from 6pm. Thursdays: Seniors, Juniors and anyone else who would like to come along from 6.30pm.
Jeff Thompson