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Grafton Indoor Archery
Results of Indoor shoots held Tuesday June 16 and Thursday 18.
Tuesday: Cubs, Juniors, Beginners and Seniors.
Scores out of 200: Aidan Mitchell 200 (Senior Sighted), Thomas Gilmore 198 (26 X’s)(Cub Sighted), Nathan Kendell 198 (25 X’s)(Senior Sighted), Harlan Thorley 196 (Senior Sighted), Luke Collins 188 (Senior Sighted), Joseph Proudford-Brown 141 (Senior Recurve), Blade Collins 90 (Cub Bare Bow Beginner).
Thursday: Seniors, Juniors and Cubs.
Scores out of 300: Aidan Mitchell 286 (Senior Sighted), Warren Hutchinson 283 (Senior Sighted), Dion Eames 280 (Senior Sighted), Harlan Thorley 252 (Senior Sighted), Jeff Thompson 249 (Senior Sighted), Nathan Kendell 248 (Senior Sighted), Luke Collins 247 (Senior Sighted), Vern Mackey 245 (Senior Sighted), Thomas Gilmore 242 (Cub Sighted),
Chris Burgess 238 (Senior Sighted), Gordon Kelly 233 (Senior Bare Bow), Belinda (Roy) Morris 215 (Junior Sighted). Score out of 200: Mitchell Firth 110 (Senior Recurve). Scores out of 100: Peter Shugg 96 (12 X’s)(Senior Sighted), Ben Shugg 96 (4 X’s)(Senior Sighted), Peter Shugg 38 (Senior Recurve), Ben Shugg 35 (Senior Recurve).
Winter Camp-out June 26, 27 and 28. Camp oven meal for members and family Saturday night. Numbers please. Call Jeff.
Next Outdoor shoot (3D) Sunday, July 5, 10am at Bawden’s Bridge course. BBQ lunch and drinks available.
Indoor Archery: At 21 Turf Street Grafton. The river side of the railway line, via Fitzroy St.
Tuesday: From 6pm, Cubs, Juniors, Beginners and Seniors. Thursday: From 6pm, Seniors, Juniors, Cubs and anyone else who would like to come along.
Jeff Thompson