Community News

Grafton and District Garden Club to hold AGM

Our thoughts are with everyone struggling with Level 4 water restrictions and hot days. As I write this there is no end in sight yet but hopefully by the time of print it will all be resolved.

Thanks to Annette Cook we have members keenly installing nesting boxes, water spots for birds and insects and reptiles and thinking more broadly about what it means to be the custodian of a garden.

Our next meeting will be our Annual General Meeting on Thursday March 3 at the Joan Muir Centre, 194 Turf St Grafton from 10am to midday; $2 entry at door to cover the venue. Please bring morning tea to share if you are able.

We will have our ‘Bring and Buy’ table so if you have some plants, cuttings or produce you would like to donate, they are greatly appreciated.

Hope you can make it.

Jane Rhodes