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Grumpy Pete with some of his T Shirts sayings which are creating smiles within the community. Image: contributed

GPs T Shirt a Day

The Mend and Make Do Crew op-shop at South Grafton, have created a bit of fun and notoriety amongst its volunteers.

Mend and Make Do Crew volunteer GP (Grumpy Pete) is putting a smile on the faces of many within the community, with his T shirt sayings of the day.

A daily photo of GP is posted onto the Mend and Make Do Crew’s Facebook page, with Pete sporting a different T shirt with funny, quirky, and sometimes a tad irreverent, comments.

GP is even gathering his own ‘cult following’ with fans calling in to have their photo taken with the rising star – (prior to COVID-19)!

For a man of few words, Grumpy Pete is starting to enjoy his newfound fame and notoriety, thanks to Op-Shop founder Ursula’s daily postings. He’s even been spotted with a rare smile on his dial.

The community has taken its share of knocks over the last 12 months with, drought, fires, flood and now COVID-19 and it’s just a little bit of cheer from the Mend and Make Do Crew, to help brighten up your day and put a smile on your face.