Community News

Fibromyalgia Support Group

With the success of the June meeting under our belt we are looking forward to our July meeting which will be held at 10am on Wednesday July 19 at the Grafton District Services Club.

At our last meeting we were lucky enough to have a lovely young lady from Australian Services address our group, educating us on the services available for our older Australians and how to access them. Some very relevant and interesting information indeed.

With the colder weather afoot we all tend to take refuge in our homes for comfort and it can be very advantageous to have someone come in and help as needed. Fibromyalgia and its various comorbidities can render people unable to do the household chores that they would normally do, but whatever the reason you might need some assistance it is always good to know what help is out there.

Our group meets once a month to provide caring support and friendship to those who have fibromyalgia, as well as their carers. We also welcome those who might know someone suffering with fibromyalgia or simply wish to learn more about it. Although there is much known about fibromyalgia now, there is still a great deal to be discovered, and there are still people who deny its existence. The simple act of being amongst other people who know what you go through can be very validating. Nobody thinks you are “lazy”, “exaggerating”, or “bunging it on”, we all know how hurtful it can be to not be believed and have all faced the looks and judgement from the disbelievers. Come along and enjoy the morning having a cuppa and a chat, if so inclined (no pressure), only compassion and understanding.

For more information, please contact Coleen Flynn on   0432 079 465 or Deborah O’Driscoll on 0434 031 295.

Deborah O’Driscoll