The end of an era has arrived, and much loved and revered President of the Friends of Grafton Gallery is leaving Grafton.
Her farewell will coincide with the ‘Friendraising and Fundraising Function’ at the Gallery on Saturday April 13, 3pm to 5pm.
Heather has been supporting the Gallery since 1973 and FoGG since 1988. Come and hear more of her story.
Speaking on 16 September 2022 at a FoGG Preview Dinner celebrating the Opening of the Jacaranda Acquisitive Drawing Award Exhibition, Heather Brown, President of the Friends of Grafton Gallery said, “My love has been art and art galleries. I find them the most beautiful places where beautiful works and amazing ideas are presented to us where we actually have to think outside the square and certainly with the works here of JADA today. When you look at them and just wonder what has gone through the minds of the artists that were selected. All of the works that have been selected. I know have great meaning.”
“The gallery has been a big part of my life and I have loved it. I have loved the friendships and friends that I have made over the years. Seeing you all here tonight in this beautiful courtyard under the marque has been wonderful.”
Do not miss this special occasion. Friendraising and Fundraising on April 13 at 3pm. Tickets available from Eventbrite at $20 plus booking fee. Finger food included and a pay bar will be available. Proceeds towards the JADA prize money.
The Reverend Canon Camellia Flanagan