
Elite boys club?



Most media reports are predicting that the Liberal National Government in NSW is heading for defeat in March. This tired old government is out of touch. It has not learned the lessons of electoral thumpings in Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and the federal elections.
The NSW government looks like an elite boys’ club, run by wealthy men in Sydney. Their priorities are light years away from the reality of life in the Northern Rivers. So the seat of Clarence and other “safe” National party seats are completely taken for granted by the current government.
The National Party is a hollow shell of its former self. It has not actually represented regional NSW for the last 12 years of state government! The Nationals have stood by while country NSW slides downhill. We all see the unaffordable housing, the vacant shops, the shattered roads and bridges, the empty TAFE campuses.
Our local businesses need local workers, who can find a decent house to rent, get to work on prper safe roads, and find local doctors and nurses when they need them. As far as I can see, the only candidate for the state election who is talking about these issues is Leon Ankersmit from the Labor Party.
No wonder the voters of NSW have had a gutful and are walking away from the Liberal Nationals. I hope our new local member is in government and not opposition.


Stephen Wilson, Yamba