
 “Do not hit girls”


This is what I was taught as a child, I had three older sisters that thought I needed hitting, but eventually my parents taught me that it was not only wrong but showing my weakness to try to retaliate. 

We see people getting upset over sharks, easy fix, stay out of the water.  Any money slated for anti shark plans need to be put toward keeping women and children safe from these horrid people who like to hurt others. There are far more people being murdered because of domestic violence than all the shark attacks any week of the year.

Publish these people’s names and shame the people who beat women, put their names up to be recognised for their horrid behaviour.  Punish them properly, lock them up and throw away the key.  The law is not judging wisely.

So, it is up to us, the Australian society to stand up and do something to stop this violent behaviour to women and children, education is the start, then systems of protection and finally punishment and permanent isolation for the ones who do not want to live by the Golden Rule.  This permanent isolation needs to be used for pedophiles as well.  They think they are tough so we as a society need to get tougher.

David Henry Cook, Rappville