Community News
The year 2015 is racing away and last Tuesday our Committee held its last meeting for the year.
On reflection, we found that we have had some exciting activities throughout the year including the new group for film appreciation which has been a wonderful cultural and social activity (next film evening will be on 16th February), the Rock and Roll evening proved that some of us can still shake our tail feathers and those Groups that entertain at community functions have done us proud. Several new groups are going to begin in the new year so we can look forward to those with eager anticipation, especially the new social group which will be holding bush and beach walks at Iluka, Angourie and Woombah, a Trivial Pursuit day and a river cruise.
The ‘Let’s All Sing’ group has continued its community service and just last week sang at the Yamba Tavern for the CV Care and Support Services Christmas Party. ‘Scottish Dancing’ and ‘Let’s All Sing’ are in recess now and will restart on Monday February 1 and Thursday February 4 respectively.
I am now the proud owner of an extremely attractive new pen, a Christmas gift from one of the very clever members of the ‘Men’s Shed’ (and his wife), these gentlemen continue to amaze with the things they are able to manufacture out in that shed and next year they are organizing a car boot sale, plus sale of things they have crafted, further information will be available on this so stay tuned. They have also been the grateful recipients of a donation from the Yamba Lions Club which they have put towards the purchase of a new saw for the shed.
Note for your new diary – 2016 CRU3A Enrolment day is February 2 – don’t miss out.
Sandra Gregor