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Croquet from Coutts Crossing
Frank Mack started Thursday in spectacular fashion, a successful jump shot on the first hoop, only the second of his career. Sheila Foley was the star of the day. She ran hoops from 12 metres, from 9 metres to finish off a game, and several from 5 metres; all achieved with great aplomb. She had the best record of the day, although Joy Campbell and Peter Martin were close behind. John Buckley tried his speciality, jump shots, several times, and actually achieved one. Phyl Harrison and Yvonne Gillet had inconsistent days. Nea Buckley lacked the cutting edge to her play which she has shown recently, while Pat MacLennan, Gillian Martin and Robyn Walters all enjoyed the warm sun, but were not inspired by it.
Peter and Gillian Martin played a deadly serious warm-up Association game for the Port Macquarie Carnival. Peter won 26-18 in two hours with several five hoop turns, but Gillian matched him with a 3 hoop, a 4 hoop, and a life-time best five hoop turn.
Saturday afternoon saw a good crowd playing on a full court: three doubles at a time. Yvonne Gillet had three fine victories. Shirley Tees played just two games but both were wins. Frank Mack had two good victories and a loss. Peter Martin made the only jump shot of the day, but prolific jump shotter John Buckley was absent. It was good to see Pam Gauci playing again after illness: she managed one win. All eight games played were close fought: there were no blow-outs. Visitor from Woolgoolga, Valerie Mackay had a mixed day and Yvonne Clarke, having started well, lost her line badly, it happens to all new players. Kay Munro hit some long hoops as the sun set, and Cave Steiner showed good touches.
Sunday and the sunshades were in use. Wayne Gadke and Peter Martin are both quick players, and when in form their matches are over quickly. Peter beat Wayne 26-22 in 90 minutes, under two minutes per hoop. Graham pegged out against Jean Gadke by 26-10 and Peter Deeth beat Kay Munro 22-12. The doubles match between Rod Munro and Jim Algie against Sue Deeth and Gillian Martin was close until the end when a fine turn by Rod moved the score in the men’s favour to 18-10.
Another fine Monday morning, especially for Marilyn Wilson and Joy Campbell who each recorded four straight wins and no losses. Limping Ken Davison was welcomed back to two wins and Royce Wilson made a jump shot with his home made mallet. Phyl Harrison, first to arrive, last to leave, ran the morning’s most spectacular hoop from 25 metres. Pam Jordan had an odd morning, running hoops from all angles and long distances, but winning only one game. Phill Jordan had a better record: two and two. Georgie Wilbe was welcomed as our 49th member, but the welcome mat did not include a single victory, Frank Mack getting similar treatment. Gillian Martin, Simon Cook, Pat MacLennan and Bill Gauci all had mixed records and the social side of the morning seemed more important than the sporting. To join our fun loving sports club, or just to try a game, call 6649 3200.