Croquet at Coutts Crossing
New Year’s Eve saw competition from a dozen players, several spectators, and a visitor from the Sutherland Club, Debra Morgan, with an intimidatingly low handicap. With her partners she crushed all competition.
Yvonne Gillett partnered her in one match and was inspired to her best play ever. Our young star Abbie Ellis opposed Debra and, with partner Ken Davison slumped to her worst ever defeat 7-0. Joy Campbell slotted home a 12 metre hoop, but it did not stop her and partner Gillian Martin losing 7-6 to Nea Buckley and Phyl Harrison. Pam Gauci and John Buckley were the best club players, while Peter Martin had the worst record with a three resounding losses. Frank Mack, Gillian Martin and Robyn Walters had mixed results.
The first play of 2016 was a round robin Association tournament between Rod Munro, Jim Algie, Kay Munro and Peter Martin. Rod, Jim and Peter had two wins each, the highest scoring being Jim’s win over Peter by 8-6. Overall Peter Martin won with 19 hoops on the day to Jim Algies 18 Rod Munro”s 15 and Kay Munro’s 5.
Golf Croquet on hangover Monday; the day when all the usefully employed are back at work. No hangover in Coutts Crossing. Sixteen players crowded the court, almost the maximum. Debra Morgan came again, and left triumphant. She, Wayne Gadke and Ken Davison were the only unbeaten players on the day, but nobody lost all their games. Frank Mack and new member Louise Lowe did well, as did Joy Campbell, Helyn Davison, Robyn Walters and Pam Gauci. Yvonne Gillett and Phyl Harrison were both in good form. Feature of the day was a husband and wife singles duel between Gillian and Peter Martin. Peter led 6-2 but Gillian fought back to win 7-6 to loud applause from a partisan group of spectators. It was satisfying to see Jean Gadke regaining her form and visitor Val MacKay, who came only to watch ended up playing enthusiastically.
Midweek, Rod and Kay Munro defeated Jim Algie and Sue Deeth 20-9 and a three player six ball game ended with Peter Deeth the clear winner over Wayne Gadke and Peter Martin in chaotic circumstances.
This is the time for those who find 18 holes of golf too much, or find bowls repetitive, to discover croquet; a surprisingly difficult and absorbing sport played by the most interesting people. Call 6649 5109 to get involved.
Sue Deeth