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Croquet at Coutts Crossing
Thursday week saw six keen golfers play. In Round 1 Phyl and Yvonne d Joy and Frank 7 – 6 in a close fought match and Robyn d Bill 7 – 5. In Round 2 Joy d Bill 7 – 6 and Phyl and Robyn d Frank and Yvonne 7 – 6 all hard fought close games. Round 3 saw Joy and Robyn’s team
up against Frank and Bill with the girls having a handsome win of 7 – 2. Phyl d Yvonne 7 – 4 despite the amazing shot of Yvonne’s shooting a
12 metre hoop. In Round 4 Bill and Yvonne teamed up together and played Phyl and Joy with Bill and Yvonne just managing to come up victorious 7 – 6 despite Phyls hoop to hoop shot.
On Sunday week five association players enjoyed the cooler weather. Numbers were down due to several members enjoying holidays in far away places.
Rod and Kay played singles with Kay being the victor 11 – 6. Peter D, Sue and Helen played a game of 6 ball. Peter and a resounding win of 12 hoops with the girls shooting 3 hoops each.
On Monday, 16 golf players lined up for some fun games. Round 1 John and Louise 7 d Ken and Nola 5; Debbie and Pat 7 d Rusty and Jane 4;
Joy and Bill 7 d Helyn and Nea 2; Phyl and Robyn 7 d Frank and Pam 4. Round 2 saw Ken and Phyl 7 d Robyn and Frank 5; Joy and Helyn 7
d John and Nola 2; Pam and Rusty 7 had a big win over Louise and Debbie 1; Bill and Pat 7 d Jane and Nea 4. Round 3 Ken and Joy 7 teamed up against Louise and Pam 2; Phyl and Pat 7 played against Rusty and Robyn 4 and Heyln and John 7 were winners against Nea and Debbie 2.
Phyl, Pat and Joy all had the maximum of 3 wins. The shots of the day went to John with a 10 metre hoop and Joy with a 8 metre hoop.
Wednesday saw eight players on the lawn, with seven regulars and a visitor – Chris. Rod and Peter had a close battle with Rod coming out Victor on his last turn 20 – 19.
Wayne and Jim also had a close battle with Wayne just winning 26 – 24. Jean teamed up with Kay to defeat Sue and Chris 20 –15.
For playing days, times and enquiries phone 6649 3200.
Sue Deeth