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Grafton Rifle Rimfire

The treacherous 90m rimfire shoot lived up to its reputation on Saturday, throw in an ever changing breeze and you have the makings of a very trying event. Nevertheless, a strong field of 26 shooters took this challenge head on with top off rifle honours going to Greg Mills-Thom with a 91 (with 5), second was Andrew Geary 88 (with 5) third was Rob Durrington 88 (with 4). Only 2 Possibles were shot on the day with Andrew Geary and Rob Durrington sharing one each. A Grade Aggregate Scores-Rob Durrington 93.2, Peter Tyrie 86.6, Andrew Geary 90.4, Nick Haynes 79, Alan Edwards 79.6, Liza Georgelin 80.2, Greg Mills-Thom 91.8. B Grade Aggregate Scores- Chris McKenzie 91.8, Katrina Geary 82, Dave Grundy 75.4, Lorraine Geary 89.4, Brian Haynes 85.4, Brad Lynch 79.2. C Grade aggregate scores- George Wheatly 90.6, Peter Clarke 38, Logan White 18, Dan Gadd 70.4, John Grebert 72.4, Sandra Cockbain 63.8, Warren Cockbain 53.6, Scott Murdoch 79.6, Steve Day 77.2, Sue Day 33.2, Matt Finney 83.6, Phil Cross 79.2, Ryan Townsend 56. A reminder to all our members that our presentation night is on Friday February 26 and you need to get your payments into the club no later than this Saturday February 20. These nights are a great opportunity to mingle and get to know others members in a relaxed social environment with a great meal and maybe a few cold ones to wash it down. Next week’s shoot will be the 100yard fieldclass event followed by .22 f-class and a meeting in the clubhouse at noon, then the afternoon shoot will be from the 700yard mound. Visitors and new shooters are always welcome with sign-on starting in the morning from 8.30 then shooting starts at 9am on the dot. Rob Durrington