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Croquet at Coutts Crossing
It was a great day for the Davisons at our last Thursday outing. Helyn hit a 25 metre hoop and husband Ken hit two 15 metre efforts right through the middle.
Ten matches were played, six decided by a single point. Robyn Walters was the only player to win all her games. Frank Mack, Ken and Helyn Davison, Pam Gaucci and Phyl Harrison were all in good form. Joy Campbell had some excellent patches, but the two who must have been a little dissatisfied after their recent form were Gillian Martin and Abbie Ellis. In the final game, the bragging rights match-up, the “dream team’ of Abbie Ellis and Peter Martin sleepwalked their way to a 7-6 loss to Gillian Martin and the bubbly Ken Davison.
Association players fought three singles matches at the weekend. Peter Martin, persevering with the Solomon grip, was too good for a much improved Helen Forrest 26-7. Peter Deeth led Wayne Gadke most of the morning till Wayne broke through for a 26-23 win. There was a thrilling finish to the Sue Deeth – Jim Algie match which ended 16 all, an honourable tie with neither wanting to go for a golden point.
It was a big Monday for Golf Croquet, with 17 players and a group of spectators: we ran out of milk for tea. Three birthdays were celebrated; Abbie Ellis, 16 going on 19, had two easy victories: Ken Davison, 66 going on 79, improved as the day wore on, and Eva Fischer is just Eva. Wonderful to have Bill Gauci playing again after serious illness. He ran a fifteen metre hoop as did Helyn Davison and Pat MacLennan. Rod Munro had the first successful jump shot for several weeks. Nola Horrocks is a noted rain bringer, but the day brought sun. Phyl Harrison, Yvonne Gillet, Kay Munro and Joy Campbell were all in good form winning the majority of their games. Frank Mack and Pam Gauci had good wins against tough competition. Gillian Martin, Louise Lowe and Peter Martin won most of their games, which leaves just one nameless lady who lost all hers. A record number of 161 hoops were run in the morning. Great entertainment.
Nola Horrocks joined the Coutts Crossing Association players for the first time after over twenty years playing croquet at Macksville. She brought a refreshing attitude in attacking the hoops at all times and lost to club champion Peter Martin by only 26-18. The other games totalled 18 hoops between the players. Kay Munro beat Sue Deeth 12-6 and Peter Deeth overcame Rod Munro 10-8.
The club is arranging a visit to Lismore for Golf Croquet in the near future, and is to help U3A in Yamba to get a croquet group started.
To play in Coutts Crossing, or to come one morning and join the spectators to see what real croquet is all about, call 6649 5109 or 6649 3200 for details.
Sue Deeth