Peter Deeth has won the important Urunga Association Croquet week long tournament, his first major success. Consistent play through the week gave him a clear victory. Simon Cook was in arrears all week, but on the last day came through to get second place by the narrowest of margins. It was his best placing in such a tournament. The results say much about the improvement in AC play at Coutts Crossing.
May Results are in for Golf Croquet.The leading player was again Joy Campbell, followed by John Hall with Keith Brodie and Ken Davison equal third. Year to date Wayne Gadke still leads with 74% wins, Phil Jordan is second with 67%. As for the iron person who has played the most games this year, Phyl Harrison is way out in front.
Monday often starts with a big crowd, so we spread out start times and 26 members enjoyed 20 games spread over six hours, with a lunch break. After a dearth of hoop to hoops recently Phil Jordan started the day with one and Pat MacLennan followed with another. Betty Ford, Phil Jordan, Frank Mack and Gillian Martin were unbeaten. May Ford squeezed in 6 games, losing 4. Sheila Foley ran a banned jump shot. Barrie and Rita Johnson played for the first time, eventually hitting their form of the training days. Bev Norris had more wins. There were a number of singles. The final one: Marilyn Wilson 7, Peter Martin 5, sent Marilyn home very happy.
On Thursday Tony Williams and Frank Mack kicked off by swapping jump shots. Then Tony did it again. Yvonne Gillett and Marilyn Wilson quickly followed with hoop to hoops. Eric Wheeler, Phyl Harrison, Bob Hadley and Frank Mack won all their matches. A long day ended when Royce Wilson and Yvonne Gillett beat Marilyn Wilson and Peter Martin 7-6 after being 6-2 behind. Royce made sure everybody knew.
There were perfect conditions for Ricochet on Tuesday. In a knock out competition Gillian Martin was the champion with Rusty Case runner up. Third saw a quiet Peter Martin who just edged out Sue Deeth.
Peter Martin