Results of indoor shoot held Tuesday and Thursday June 18 and 20.
Tuesday: beginners, cubs, juniors and seniors.
Scores out of 200 (15m): Nathan Kendell 197 (Senior Sighted), Wayne Revell 183 (Senior Sighted), Jesse Shepard 166 (Junior Sighted), Toby Revell 160 (Junior Sighted), Warren Hutchinson 144 (Senior Traditional Recurve), Merv Kerrison 136 (Senior Sighted Recurve), Ian Revell 109 (Senior Sighted), Ethan McDonough 107 (Junior Sighted).
Thursday: seniors, juniors and cubs.
Scores out of 300 (15m): Warren Hutchinson 298 (Senior Sighted), Alan Wilson 192 (5 X’s) (Senior Traditional Recurve), Merv Kerrison 192 (4 X’s) (Senior Sighted Recurve), Jeff Thompson 178 (Senior Traditional Recurve), Vern Mackey 158 (Senior Sighted), Phil Adams 134 (Senior Traditional Recurve), Mark Koschker 127 (Senior Traditional Recurve), Sandie Matters 123 (Senior Traditional Recurve).
Score out of 200: Steve Porra 185 (Senior Sighted).
Winter camp-out June is this weekend (28/29/30). The Club supplies camp-oven meal Saturday night for members and their families. Novelty shoots. We need numbers please.
Next outdoor shoot: (3D) Sunday July 7 at Bawden’s Bridge course with a 10am start and sausage sandwiches and drinks available.
Indoor archery: At 21 Turf Street Grafton, the river side of the railway line, via Fitzroy St.
Tuesday: From 6pm – beginners, cubs, juniors, and seniors. Thursday: From 6pm – seniors, juniors, cubs and anyone else who would like to come along.
Jeff Thompson